All officially enrolled UPOU students are entitled to a (UP Mail) account. It is highly recommended of students to use their UP email account when communicating with UPOU offices and their professors.

To request for your UP Mail:

  1. Please send an email to, indicate that you are a UPOU student requesting a email account.  
  2. In your email, attach a scanned copy of either your Form 5 or your UP ID.

If you have concerns or problems with your UP Mail, please communicate with The UPOU Helpdesk does not cover UP Mail and other technical support services (aside from those related to your UPOU Helpdesk account and tickets).

Please be also informed that and email accounts are not the same. (UPOU Mail) accounts were previously issued to students from 2018 and earlier. If you were previously issued a email account, you are strongly encouraged to still apply for a account. If you need technical support regarding your account, please contact